Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Happiness Project

A friend of mine had shown me a blog yesterday and said I should join her with posting. I figured why not. It's just one photo a week of something random that makes us happy. I can do that right? Well I had settled on a photo of H, the kids and I. Then I woke up thinking I know a different picture that makes me completely happy. I took the following picture on a trip to Houston for Christmas. It made me smile when I saw it and I knew that was the photo I was going to use for today. So without further ado, my very first post of the Happiness Project.

Isn't it just majestic?



  1. The sun breaking through the clouds....SO beautiful! I love it!

  2. such a beautiful photo!! I love it when I capture something like that.

  3. Welcome to The Happiness Project. That is a stunning photo!

  4. That would make me happy too. The sky is so amazing.

  5. I saw the nice mention of The Happiness Project, here! I very much appreciate those kind words and you shinning a spotlight on my work!! Good luck with YOUR happiness project! Thanks and best wishes,
